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Patent Info

Patent Info

Notice of Allowance and Issue Notification

What is a Notice of Allowance?
  • This is not a patent, but you are close.
  • When you receive a notice of allowance, the prosecution of your patent is closed. In other words, the Examiner will no longer review your application to determine patentability, but will allow your patent to issue with the existing protection defined by the claims allowed.
What’s left for me to do?
  • Pay the issue fee and attend to any minor drawing corrections, etc., if necessary.
  • Once the issue fee is paid, you will receive an Issue Notification informing you of your patent number and the projected date of issuance.
  • If you would like to file additional patent applications based on the original or “parent” application, such additional applications must be filed before the parent application issues. It is advisable to file a divisional, continuation, or continuation-in-part (CIP) application at this time, before issuance, to preserve your continuity and invention.